Nico Lillo (*1983, Argentina) is an artist and curator who works with painting, sculptures and digital images.
In his practices he combines materiality and virtuality to reconfigure the format of visual representation.
His interdisciplinary pieces address collective memory and its link with speculative fictions, consumerism and mysticism.
Materiality plays a central role in his works as a way of exploring the processes of identity construction in a world of holograms, data overproduction and environmental crisis.
NICOLAS LILLO *1983, Buenos Aires, Argentinien
2014 - 2017 Master Studium, HFBK Prof. W. Büttner, Hamburg, Abschluss Master of Fine Arts
Degree: Master in Painting and Drawing
2013 -2014 Studium, Königl. Kunsthochschule, Stockholm, SW
International Artist Programm
2006 - 2012 Instituto Universitario Nacional de Artes, Buenos Aires, Malerei, Zeichnen, Buenos Aires, ARG
Diplom U.B.A, Audio-Visual Design, Buenos Aires, ARG
Degree: Bachelor in Audio-Visual Design
GROUPSHOWS (Selection)
2017 Inter-Youth Prize, Experimental Paintig (Awarded), Hangzhou, China
2016 Gallery Fisk, Bergen, Norway. Solo Show – “Your profession hurts me but at the same time, inspires me” Painting and performance
2015 Hiscox KunstPreis, Kunsthaus, Hamburg, 2015
2015 Beyond The Surfaces of Purity , Frise Künstlerhaus, Hamburg
2015 Zum Niederknien, 7TÜREN Galerie, Hamburg
2015 Hamburger Schule, 7TÜREN, Hamburg
2014 Mejan Galerie, Stockholm, Schweden Malerei Gruppenausstellung: ”Exploradores Refritos”
2013 Bachelor - Ausstellung, Buenos Aires, Argentinien. Video-Installation "Captcha" im CheLA (Centro Hipermediatico Latinoamericano)
2012 Galerie “El Mirador Espacio” Buenos Aires, Argentinien Malerei Gruppenausstellung “Bardo”
2011 Militantes Galerie. Buenos Aires, Argentinien Malerei Gruppenausstellung “La mordida de la Serpiente”
2010 Estudio De Rua Fidalga 642, Vila Magdalena, Sao Pablo, Brasil Malerei Gruppenausstellung.